"Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son" (Matt 1:23).' The purpose of our life is to have Christ manifested through us.

 And the purpose of our ministry is to help others manifest Christ. These are the important purposes of our calling. We are like the sower who went out to sow seed.

 That seed, in one sense, is Christ We are sowing Christ in the hearts of others. If you help one person to become like Christ, that person will help another, and that person, yet another. Like that we must multiply Christ.

 Are you showing Christ through your character? "A virgin shall be with child." Only in a virgin mind can Christ be formed. 

If the character of Christ is to be formed in us, we need a pure mind. We need a great longing and thirst for absolute purity. 

Sarah was very old. She thought it was impossible for her to have a child. Sometimes we may be like Sarah.

 There may be many hindrances for Christ to be manifested through us. We may be saying, I have made so many mistakes in my life. I am still making mistakes.

 I don't think my character can be changed into the character of Christ." No, we should not give up our hope and faith. It is never impossible to have the character of Christ formed in you.

 If you long for deep purity - even in your thoughts- the Holy Spirit will come upon you and do the work of forming Christ in you.

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