Many children of God do not understand why God does not answer all our prayers. In one sense, God does answer all our prayers – for some prayers His answer is "Yes", for some it is "No" and for some others it is "Wait". 

When answering prayer, the principle God follows is that, the answer to our prayer should make our end joyful and not sorrowful. 

"Hither to have ye asked nothing in My name: ask, and ye shall receive, THAT YOUR JOY MAY BE FÜLL" (Jn 16:24).

 Yes, God wants our joy, and not our sorrow, to be full. God knows that if some of the things we ask for are granted, we will be sad at the end of our life. 

One godly couple had three daughters. However, the father badly wanted a son. He fasted and prayed and cried to the Lord. 

The Lord very clearly revealed to him that it was not His will to give him a son, and that his daughters would be better than sons and would take care of him till the very end. 

But he still kept fasting and pleading with God for a son. Finally the Lord gave him a son and he became a prodigal-smoking, drinking, womanizing, etc. 

The father was heartbroken. He was sorry for having insisted on having a son. As promised by the Lord, his daughters took care of him to the very end. But till death the father was a sorrowful man because of his prodigal son. 

The boy did not even turn up at the father's funeral. Dear child of God, it is true that some of your sincere prayers have not been answered, but at the end you will know why God did not answer them. 

God wants your life to end in joy and not in sorrow; He wants you to have great eternal joy. So praise God for all your unanswered prayers. 

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